Automate Cisco AnyConnect VPN Reconnection

Ideally any software like Cisco AnyConnect should support TouchID on macOS, so as to make it conveninent for users to use these security tools. Unfortunately, AnyConnect does not yet support TouchID.

Below are the shell functions I have written to keep my VPN connection always connected. In a terminal window, I run the function vpn_keep_connected and it polls the status of the VPN every few seconds. When it detects a disconnection (perhaps because the laptop is waking up from sleep), it reinitiates the VPN connection, and instead of having to type in my looong password, I just use TouchID to login.

Please note that this intgrates with, and depends on, the TouchID based password management setup I documented in my previous blog post. This combination ensures that you will not be prompted for the VPN password; instead, you will be prompted for TouchID veification, and if that succeeds the VPN password will be retrieved from the PasswordStore.

function vpn_connect()
  local user="userid";
  local password="$(pass show vpn_password)";
  # Connect to VPN using CLI
  printf "$user\n$password\n" | /opt/cisco/secureclient/bin/vpn -s connect
  # Start the App, so that its icon shows in the macOS menu bar to represent connection status
  open /Applications/Cisco/Cisco\ Secure\
function vpn_disconnect()
  # Disconnect VPN client, if already connected
  /opt/cisco/secureclient/bin/vpn disconnect
  # Kill the App, if running
  kill $(ps ax | grep -e '[C]isco Secure Client' | cut -f 1 -d?)
function vpn_reconnect()
function vpn_is_disconnected()
  /opt/cisco/secureclient/bin/vpn status | grep -q 'state: Disconnected';
  return $?;
function vpn_keep_connected()
  if vpn_is_disconnected; then
    echo "INFO: VPN is disconnected. Reinitiating connection."

  while true; do
    echo INFO: Waiting until VPN is disconnected.
    while ! vpn_is_disconnected; do
      sleep 5
    echo "INFO: VPN is disconnected. Reinitiating connection."